Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Proposal 4 - Holly The Hostess Goals

The Proposal Part 4 - Holly the Hostess

Holly the Hostess 1
Place the Hostess See Parts Gifter
Serve 12 Random Dishes
Collect 7 Table Mints  gid 4141 link
Rewards: 1,000 Coins , 100 Cafe Points

Holly the Hostess 2
Collect 8 Surveys  gid 4155 link
Collect 6 Invitations  gid 4142 link
Serve 12 Random Dishes 
Rewards: 1,000 Cafe Coins 100 Cafe Points

Holly the Hostess 3
Collect 8 Cured Ham gid 4143 link
Serve 20  Random Dishes
Serve 12  Random Dishes
Rewards: Antipasto Recipe

Holly the Hostess 4
Collect 6 Decorative Table Cloth  gid 4144 link
Collect 8 Silver Napkin Holders  gid 4145 link
Serve 30 Antipasto
Rewards: 1,000  Coins , 100 Cafe Points

Holly the Hostess 5
Collect 5 Funny Stories  gid 4146 link
Collect 7 Folded Name Cards gid 4156 link
Master Antipasto through Level 1
Rewards: 1,000 Coins and 100 Cafe Points

Holly the Hostess 6
Collect 5 Sliced Almonds  gid 4157 link
Collect 8 Fresh Strawberries  gid 4147  link
Serve 25 Super Chunk Fruit Salad
Rewards: Strawberry Salad Recipe

Holly the Hostess  7
Collect 7 Drink Charms  gid 4148 link
Collect 7 Camera Batteries  gid 4158 link
Serve 18 Apple Cider
Rewards: 2,000 Coins and 200 Cafe Points

Holly the Hostess 8
Collect 9 Chili Powder  gid 4149 link
Serve 30 Chips and Guacamole
Spice 7 Neighbor's Stoves
Rewards: Menudo Recipe

Holly the Hostess  9
Collect 8 Microphones  gid 4150 link
Collect 6 Written Speeches gid 4151 link
Serve 20 Random Dishes
Rewards: 2,000 Coins and 200 Cafe Points

Holly the Hostess 10
Serve 12 Random Dishes
Master Menudo through Level 1
Serve 16 Fruit Punch
Rewards: His & Her Surf n' Turf  Recipe

Holly the Hostess 11
Collect 9 Tubes of Frosting  gid 4152 link
Collect 7 Cupcake Holders  gid 4153 link
Serve 18 Ginger Ales
Rewards: 2,000 Coins and 200 Cafe Points

Holly the Hostess  12
Collect 10 Tea Leaves  gid 4154 link
Serve 12 Triple Berry Cheesecakes
Serve 12 Gem Cakes
Rewards: Elegant Cupcakes Recipe

Holly the Hostess 13
Master Elegant Cupcake through Level 2
Serve 20 Chocolate Cream Pie
Serve 12 Dark Roast Coffee
Rewards: 3,000 Coins and 300 Cafe Points

Holly The Hostess Parts Gifter

Highlighter Gift Link:
Podium Lamb Gift Link:
Toothpick Gift Link:
Table Chart Gift Link:

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Pee Wee Chefs Goals

The Pee Wee Chefs 1
Serve 10 Buttermilk Pancakes
Serve 10 Belgian Waffles
Collect 5 Baseballs  GID 3942 link
Reward: Team Photo

The Pee Wee Chefs 2
Serve 30 Margherita Pizzas
Serve 20 Pepperoni Pizzas
Collect 10 Catcher's Masks GID 3943 link
Reward: Banana Split Recipe

The Pee Wee Chefs 3
Serve 5 Deep Fried Ice Cream
Serve 45 Caramel Apples
Collect  8 Aluminum Bats GID 3944 link
Rewards: 1,000  Coins ,250 Cafe Points

The Pee Wee Chefs  4
Serve  40 Random dishes
Serve 30 Random dishes
Collect  12 Baseballs  GID 3942 link
Rewards: 1,000 Coins ,250 Cafe Points

The Pee Wee Chefs  5
Serve 40 Random dishes
Serve 30 Rack of Lamb
Collect  6 Catcher's Mask GID 3943 link
Rewards: Blue Cotton Candy  Recipe

The Pee Wee Chefs  6
Serve  20 Randon dishes
Serve 30 Random dishes
Collect  5 Aluminum Bats GID 3944 link
Rewards: 1,000 Coins and 250 Cafe Points

The Pee Wee Chefs  7
Serve 4 Pulled Pork
Serve 8 Tangy BBQ Chicken
Collect 12 Logo Hats GID 3945 link
Rewards: 1,000 Coins, 250 Cafe Points

The Pee Wee Chefs  8
Serve 8 Meat Craver's Pizzas
Serve 40 Funnel Cakes
Collect 12 Team Jerseys GID 3946 link
Rewards: Giant Chili Dog Recipe

Friday, September 2, 2011

Kitchenus Maximus Goals & Part Gifter

Kitchenus Maximus 1
Place  Kitchenus Maximus
Serve 20 Caramel Apples
Collect  3 Roman Lettuces  GID 4023 Link

Et Tu, Croutons  2

Have  7 Spatulas  See Part gifter
Collect  6 Stone Ground Croutons GID 4024   Link
Serve 10 Spaghetti and Meatballs 
Rewards: Julius Caesar's Salad

Serving Caesar  3

Serve  Julius Caesar's Salad  15 times
Collect  5 Ides of Anchovies  GID 4025 Link
Collect 10 Very Shortcake  GID 4029  Link

Baking History  4

Collect  6 Fire roasted Shanks GID 4026 Link
Serve 10 Herbed Halibut 
Collect  10 Roaring Paprika GID 4027 Link

Pros and Khan  5

Have 9 Pieces of Sandal Strap (See Parts Gifter)
Serve 20 Basil Finger Sandwiches 
Collect 8 Conquered Caraway Seeds GID 4028 Link
Rewards: Genghis' Mongoulash  recipe 

Onward Kitchenus  6

Serve 15 Genghis' Mongoulash
Have 13 Toques (See Parts Gifter)
Serve 8 Fruit Punch 

Short & Sweet 7
Collect 10 SacreBleu-berries GID  4109 Link
Serve 20 Chocolate Cream Pie
Have 16 Colorful Togas (See parts gifter) 
Rewards: Napoleon's Napoleon recipe

A Historical menu 8
Master Genghis Mongoulash to level 1 
Master Napoleon's Napoleon to level 1
Master Julius Caesars Salad to level 1

Kitchenus Maximus Statue
  Spatula  Link
  Sandal Strap Link
  Toque Link
  Colorful Toga Link